Ashraf Dali, Egypt

Ashraf Dali, Egypt


Ashraf Dali (Ashraf Aboul Yazid) is an Egyptian poet, novelist and journalist born in 1963. He is the Editor-in-Chief, "THE SILK ROAD" literature series. He has been working in Cultural Journalism for more than 30 years. He authored and translated 40 books. Some of his novels and poetry volumes have been translated into English, Spanish, Turkish, Persian, Korean, Malayalam, Sindhi and German books and anthologies. He was chosen the Man of Culture for the Year, 2012, Tatarstan, Russia. He won Manhae Prize in Literature, 2014, the Republic of Korea. He won the Arab Journalism Award in Culture, 2015, UAE. Currently he is the president of Asia Journalist Association. Golden Laureate of the V Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals LiffT.

